Sample for essay writing
Harlem Renaissance Essay Topics
Thursday, September 3, 2020
Williams Name Meaning and Origin
Williams Name Meaning and Origin The regular Welsh patronymic last name Williams has a few potential birthplaces: Child or relative of Guillemin, a pet type of Guillaume, the French type of William.From the Belgic society steerage, which means outfit with a plated head protector orâ welhelm, the shield or barrier of many.Derived from the given name William, an Old French given name with Germanic components: wil want, will and rudder cap, security. In Wales, adding a s to the furthest limit of a last name means child of, highlighting Wales as the starting point of numerous individuals with the Williams family name. The Williams family name is likewise well known in nations, for example, England, Scotland and Germany. Williams is the third most mainstream family name in the United States, Great Britain and Australia. Williams Name Origin: English, Welsh Exchange Surname Spellings: WILLIAM, WILLIMON, WILLIMAN, WILLIAMSON, WILCOX, MACWILLIAMS, MCWILLIAMS, WILLIHELM, WILLELM Fun Facts About the Williams Surname The last man executed in the U.S. Common War was Private John J. Williams of the 34th Indiana Volunteer Infantry. He was killed in the skirmish of Palmetto Ranch, Texas, on May 13, 1865, a month after Lees give up. Renowned People with the Surname Williams? Thomas Lanier Tennessee Williams - American writer who won the Pulitzer Prize for Drama for A Streetcar Named Desire (1948) and Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1955).Hiram Hank Williams - American blue grass music legend, credited with spearheading honky tonk.Robin Williams - American entertainer and actorRoger Williams - Founder of Rhode Island Lineage Resources for the Surname Williams 100 Most Common U.S. Family names Their MeaningsSmith, Johnson, Williams, Jones, Brown... Is it true that you are one of the a large number of Americans brandishing one of these main 100 regular last names from the 2000 evaluation? Basic English Surnames Their MeaningsWilliams is the third most well known family name in Great Britain. Most Common Australian Surnames Their MeaningsWilliams is third on this rundown of the most ordinarily happening last names in Australia, which remembers subtleties for each names inception and significance. Williams Family Crest - Its Not What You ThinkContrary to what you may hear, there is nothing of the sort as a Williams family peak or emblem for the Williams surname. Coats of arms are conceded to people, not families, and may legitimately be utilized uniquely by the continuous male line relatives of the individual to whom the ensign was initially allowed. Williams DNA ProjectThe Williams DNA venture has more than 535 members making it the second biggest family name DNA venture on the planet. The Web website incorporates Williams records from around the globe too. Relatives of William WilliamsA ancestry of the relatives of William Williams (1778-1857) from Pittsylvania County, Virginia. FamilySearch - Williams GenealogyExplore more than 29 million chronicled records and heredity connected family trees posted for the Williams last name and its minor departure from the free FamilySearch site, facilitated by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Williams Surname Family Mailing ListsRootsWeb has a free mailing list for analysts of the Taft last name. Post a question about your own Taft progenitors, or search or peruse the mailing list files. - Williams Genealogy Family HistoryFree databases and ancestry joins for the last name Williams. Sources Cottle, Basil. Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1967. Menk, Lars. A Dictionary of German Jewish Surnames. Avotaynu, 2005. Beider, Alexander. A Dictionary of Jewish Surnames from Galicia. Avotaynu, 2004. Hanks, Patrick and Flavia Hodges. A Dictionary of Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1989. Hanks, Patrick. Word reference of American Family Names. Oxford University Press, 2003. Smith, Elsdon C. American Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997.
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Now...This by Neil Postman Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Now...This by Neil Postman - Article Example The comprehension is additionally endured. There is no devastation so brutal, no tremor so attacking, no political blunder so expensive - so far as that is concerned, no ball score so inciting or climate portrayal so undermining - that it can't be deleted from minds by a commentator saying, Presently . . . This. (Postman) What the news analysts imply is the past issues have been thought about for quite a while. In this manner, it is fundamental for modification of the scene and impression of the watchers. This should be possible by changing what distracts the psyche with another thought or news section. This is done in the mindset of commercialization as far as advancement and advertising to fulfill the current needs by the network. This procedure of thought doesn't take over an hour in mental psyche. TV and radio are mediums that are utilized by a discrete occasion in each stop an hour to spread separate substance. The substance may have separate settings and enthusiastic trademark structure from the follows and goes before it. Since the media advancement happens in minutes and seconds, perhaps on the grounds that the crowd can be controlled through the correspondence foundation of symbolism and words, the organizing of projects is done such that each portion of 8 minutes’ capacity to remain as a different complete occasion. (Stewart) News in the TV is only amusement. It is immersed with a cast of on-screen characters who are commendable and dependable. Logically, the Television reporters are generally ladies of the age hole from 20 to 45 and are especially wonderful. It additionally incorporates men who are attractive, who are not bare, fat, have neither long noses nor shut eyes. In the meaning of truth, a definitive propositional trial of the teller decides the television’s validity. This implies on the off chance that the general public trusts in the teller, at that point what the person in question says is named reality. As such, reality
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Tata Motors Jaguar Land Rover Turnaround
Goodbye Motors Jaguar Land Rover Turnaround Presentation Change as we call it is very inescapable and it is vital in todays quick changing condition and rivalry. Authoritative change the executives is engaged at when enormous changes need to occur. There are various change the board models that can be utilized by organizations today so as to effectively actualize the change and meet its targets. The Kurt Lewin Model is an old model despite everything utilized today. Change the executives targets bringing preferred outcomes over those as of now experienced. In change the executives one comprehends that there are better methods of playing out a specific undertaking in a viable and proficient way while meeting all the clients desires and principles of execution. So we can utilize the ADKAR model here to oversee change. Change the board hypothesis has 5 standards dependent on it like: From the start we see that individuals show and demonstrate various responses to change as every individual is extraordinary and special in their own particular manner. Furthermore individuals endeavor to meet their fundamental needs paying little heed to their height, occupation or expectations for everyday comforts. Thirdly for every one of the change to occur the individual needs to free something at first to help make the usage of the change fruitful. All the individuals put in differed measures of endeavors for the change according to their discernment so the change movement should be practical in nature. Change carries with it dread and a sentiment of doubt so change the board can possibly occur if these individuals face their apprehensions. These five standards should be actualized appropriately by the organization to really roll out the improvement procedure doable and effective. Change the board requires agreeableness from all the concerned partners as it can't prevail by acknowledgment of one however by just an aggregate exertion of many. (Change Management 100 Success Secrets) A decent hockey player plays where the puck is. An incredible hockey player plays where the puck will be Wayne Gretzky, Canadian ice hockey player Change Management (2008) Writing Review Analysis Kurt Lewin Change Management Model In 1947 Kurt Lewin proposed a three phase hypothesis of Change which is exceptionally applicable till date and most fresher models are very founded on this model. The three phases are: Unfreeze This is the most basic stage as it includes setting oneself up before a change is executed. It includes understanding that a change needs to occur and the representatives need to escape the safe place. A cutoff time needs to there to which some reward/discipline is connected to spur the individuals to go for the change and acknowledge it. So unfreezing one-self and seeing the innate points of interest exceeding the impediments lead to a fruitful change. This alludes to another Kurt Lewins hypothesis called the Force Field Analysis. So according to the Force Field Analysis on the off chance that the aces exceed the cons, at that point change can happen easily as it goes about as a pushing factor however in the event that not, at that point there is obstruction which can be negative to the goal and reason for the change. We can really take a useful guide to show the above chart in a superior situation on account of Tata engines in the Analysis area. Change So the following stage is the progress stage where the change really occurs. Here we see individuals have restraints as they are uncertain of the outcomes or results from the change procedure are occurring inside the association. Certain components like preparing, aides and coaches can be utilized to make the learning procedure simpler and quicker as it causes the individuals to adjust and comprehend the goal and method of reasoning for the change action. Through self association and appropriate correspondence one can urge the change to occur in a simpler manner. Freeze This stage is additionally called the refreezing stage as it includes if there is security after the change has really happened. Individuals currently will in general adjust and acknowledge the change and it turns into a piece of their day by day schedule. Change is a nonstop procedure and not long after the execution of the change the following change process begins anytime and can complete anytime of time. (Kurt Lewin Change Management Model (1947)) ADKAR: Model for Change An exceptionally creative and ground-breaking change model was created by Mr. Jeff Hiatt who was the CEO of Prosci Change Management and it was first distributed in 2003. This model discloses to us that hierarchical change can succeed when every one of the individual individuals from the association progress through the change the executives procedure. There are five stages in this model: Attention to the requirement for change This includes understanding why a specific change is important is the essential part of an effective change. We here discover the justification and need behind the change. So the rationale behind the change can be imparted in the representative. Want to help and take an interest in the change Here the worker needs to take a self choice to be a functioning member in the change. Just when the individual is certain and persuaded that the change is basic then just will he take part in the change movement. Legitimate motivators should be defined so as to persuade the individual not to prevent from the way of progress. Information on the best way to change This is the third phase of the model where information about the change can be bestowed through preparing, mentorship and other instructive strategies. 2 sorts of information is to be engaged at: information on the most proficient method to change (things to be finished during the progress or the time during which the change is being actualized) and information on the best way to perform after the change movement is built up. Capacity to actualize required aptitudes and practices In this piece of the structure square Ability is alluded to the contrast among hypothesis and practice. When information on the most proficient method to change is set up then this is the hypothesis being alluded to and afterward comes the functional perspective which is the genuine exhibition of the person. This is a tedious procedure and can be effectively executed through having a coach and a criticism procedure. Fortification to support the adjustment In the last phase of the model there is a basic part in which endeavors made by the person to continue the change are squeezed upon. Here it is guaranteed that changes made remain set up and that the representative doesn't slip back to his old ways which can be guaranteed through positive reaction, benefits, affirmation, estimating of the exhibition and activities taken to improve the outcomes. ADKAR Model of Change (2003) Kotters 8 stages for Leading Change Dr. John Kotter built up the 8 stages to change which can assist associations with avoiding disappointment and be proactive to change. They are: Acting with Urgency It alludes to ID of the issue and emergency territories concerning the organization, advertise and the serious powers. Building up the Guiding Coalition Form a group of workers who might be dependable to deal with the change endeavors in an aggregate way. Building up a Change Vision This progression includes making a dream and detailing the systems to accomplish the vision. Conveying the Vision purchase in There should be clear correspondence between the representatives and the vision and the way to accomplish it both should be known by all the workers while keeping the group as the wellspring of model. Enabling expansive based activity Use differed dangerous thoughts, non-conventional methods and different procedures not in the book to evacuate all the hindrances to the change. Producing momentary successes Visible enhancements should be arranged and all the occupants ought to be appropriately compensated for their endeavors. Try not to ease up To change all the frameworks, structures and strategies new representatives possibly should have been enlisted, old ones expelled and other elevated to meet the vision by additionally placing in new activities, thoughts, work designs, and so forth. Make change stick Use the pioneers in the association to show its representatives the advantages of the change movement in both subjective and quantitative terms with the goal that individuals don't diverge from the change action. Kotters 8 stages of progress (2005) Beckhard Harris Change Formulae In 1987 Beckhard and Harris built up the Change condition which encourages the association to distinguish all the potential outcomes to change. The change condition propounded is: D x V x F > R = Disappointment x Vision x First steps > Resistance to Change All the three segments must be available in compatibility so as to conquer protection from change. Disappointment with the present happenings, Vision of what is to come sooner rather than later, and the way/bearing/First means to reach or accomplish this vision should all be there to repulse the protection from the change action. Beckhard and Harriss Change Equation (1987) Contextual analysis Goodbye Motors Puma Cars Limited and Land Rover, situated in the UK, are one of the key worldwide auto majors organizations that are occupied with assembling extravagance sports cantinas and sports vehicles that oblige the exceptional finish of the market. On June 22, 2008; Tata Motors, Indias biggest vehicle organization, gained the Jaguar Land Rover organizations from Ford Motor Company for a net thought of US $2.3 billion. (Official statement: second June, 2008) Be that as it may, only following the obtaining; the worldwide money related area crumbled and crushed out worldwide liquidity. The resultant deficiency of assets, alongside the extreme ascent in the costs of products and fuel, negatively affects the worldwide car part. All the vehicle organizations, hard hit by the emergency, posted major working misfortunes. Out of the three significant U.S. vehicle creators, General Motors and Chrysler, declared financial insolvency. Panther Land Rover was hit hard in the second 50% of the year finished 31st March 2009. In the U.S, Europe and Japan, deals of new vehicles have declined by 16% in the second 50% of the year. Improvement bundles intended to revive request were just mostly fruitful. The volumes at JLR over the 10 months post acq
Necessity Never Made a Good Bargain Essays
Need Never Made a Good Bargain Essays Need Never Made a Good Bargain Paper Need Never Made a Good Bargain Paper Need Never Made a Good Bargain John Steinbeck The Pearl is an anecdote about a poor Indian, Kink, who finds an enormous pearl. Crimp intends to sell this pearl and pay for his children instruction. He additionally plans to have a wedding in the congregation. Crimp needs this cash. In this manner when he demonstrates his pearl to the purchasers, the purchasers have full oversight. Wrinkle can just make as much as the purchasers pay. The purchasers are on the whole cooperating, so Kink will get cheated. John Steinbeck once stated, l realize this A man got the chance to do what he got the opportunity to do (www. Goodness. Com). Wrinkle needs to sell the pearl, since he needs the cash. Since It Is important to sell the pearl, Kink must settle. Wrinkle anyway doesn't settle and In the end he loses his child and tosses the pearl once again Into the water. Need demonstrates no assistance to Kink thus he brings in no cash. Pawn shops are convenient when somebody needs snappy money. Frequently individuals who go to a pawn shop are fairly urgent for money. Pawn shops utilize this to further their potential benefit. Individuals get things that the retailer can buy from them. The shop offers the merchant a low cost for the thing they are attempting to sell. In this circumstance homeless people cannot be choosers (mysterious). More often than not the merchant acknowledges the cost and test ripped off However, they acknowledge this, since they realize they need the cash and they have no other method to get it. Lodgings have likewise gotten on to this thought. They guarantee their lodging small scale bar is for the visitors comfort; yet they make the costs of these things a lot higher than their worth. Individuals will get something out the small scale bar when they need it. These individuals must compensation the lodging twice as much basically on the grounds that the thing was a need. Need some of the time loots individuals, different occasions it really is ideal. At the point when an officer surges onto the front line, they should be daring. Time has wandered that warriors battle better when they battle for a reason they have faith in. At the point when the officers are battling for something they need severely or need, they have don't fear demise. Council Saluting Crisps composed a book about the war of Catalina in it he stated, Necessity makes even defeatists fearless (Assault 58). At the point when individuals need an insurgency or change, they realize they should battle for it. Individuals who might not regularly battle are currently ready to chance their lives since they need the change. The captives of Haiti had the option to oust the French and British armed forces since they were not apprehensive. They expected to win the war or they would be murdered.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Drama Susan Glaspells Trifles
Show Susan Glaspells Trifles The storyline of the play Trifle’s by Susan Glaspell spins around settling a homicide riddle. The individuals associated with this homicide case incorporate Mr. also, Mrs. Wright, a neighborhood advocate, a senior cop, the Hale’s family and the Sheriff’s spouse. A great part of the Trifle’s tends to the crowd nonverbally, using physical and obvious prompts, which are normal for the play.Advertising We will compose a custom exposition test on Drama: Susan Glaspell’s Trifle’s explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More In the play, Mr. John Wright and his companion Minnie Foster are not noticeably heard. For this situation, their character qualities must be gotten from remarks made by different characters, combined with their observations. As indicated by Mr. Sound, the fundamental suspect in Mr. Wright’s murder is her widow, Foster Minnie. This is credited to Minnie’s weird conduct as saw by Mr. Robust during an extemp oraneous visit to the Wright’s residence. The way where Minnie unveils the news encompassing her husband’s demise, for example by putting across contentions that he had been choked to death is the thing that makes it hard for him to trust her story. Furthermore, Minnie doesn't make the normal move to report the demise of her better half to the important specialists. Together with Mrs. Subsides, the Sherriff‘s spouse, Mrs. Sound aides in social occasion pertinent bits of proof connecting Minnie to John Wright’s murder. In the play, we likewise become more acquainted with the character qualities of the Wright’s from different characters. Mr. Wright is for this situation depicted as a principled man, attempting to accommodate his family, much the same as some other capable family man. It is this solidness with respect to Mr. Wright that can undoubtedly make one make an inference that Mrs. Wright made some troublesome memories to either control or coexi st with her late spouse, subsequently causing her to examine killing her better half. Then again, Minnie Foster is portrayed as a calm however lively woman, who recently took dynamic jobs in chapel exercises, for example, ensemble. Mrs. Solidness qualities the adjustment in the sprightly idea of Mrs. Wright to her disappointment in marriage and her longing to get offspring of her own. This more likely than not caused her to experience the ill effects of pressure and gloom, henceforth making her pull back from dynamic cultural issues. In the play, men are delineated as people with less worry on issues straightforwardly addressing gentility. This is seen when the Sheriff and the County Attorney pack their examinations in scanning for proof in the farmhouse and not the whole home, regardless of having Minnie Foster as the fundamental suspect.Advertising Looking for article on craftsmanship and plan? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Mrs. Wright is likewise depicted as a woman who delighted in singing before her marriage. This most likely clarifies why she had the two winged creatures, canaries and the blanket which likewise loved singing. Regardless of being seen as a significant wellspring of euphoria, friendship and motivation to Mrs. Wright, they may have been viewed as disturbances to Mr. Wright, who is suspected to have murdered them. From the proof heaped by Mrs. Sound and Mrs. Dwindles, the way wherein John Wright had been killed is very like the way wherein the winged creatures were murdered. This makes Minnie Foster a key suspect in the homicide case for example she may have executed her better half to vindicate the loss of her flying creatures. Mrs. Subsides and Mrs. Solidness wished to ensure Mrs. Wright by attempting to hide a few bits of proof connecting her to her husband’s murder. Nonetheless, subsequent to introducing their insights to the agents, their perspectives and examinations were disregarded by the police, making it increasingly hard for them to determine the homicide secret. The finish of the play leaves the crowd in tension in that it doesn't unmistakably reveal to us whether Mrs. Wright was really liable for the homicide, or whether the two ladies introduced their discoveries to the officials examining the wrongdoing. This sort of completion is normal for most plays in that it empowers the crowd to reach singular determinations, contingent upon their translation and comprehension of the play’s significant subjects.
Strategy of international Business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words
Technique of worldwide Business - Assignment Example The interest drivers for ABC could be the extension in innovation, country’s financial development and the rising degrees of extra cash. A natural examination of the organization has been done as it will help in underscoring the open doors just as perceiving the dangers from which the organization can get hurt. Worldwide social decent variety at ABC is clarified. It centers around the way that the organization invites thoughts and assessment of their representatives to guarantee that they speak to the universal commercial center. They accept that having an assorted staff is significant to their business. The control procedure and correspondence arrangement of the organization is additionally contemplated. Among the normalization and adaption approach, normalization approach has been proposed for the organization on the grounds that the normalization strategy impacts the economies of scale which encourages in bringing down the expense. ABC, through their shows fulfills the diff erent needs of crowd, which is one of the attributes of normalization approach. One of the principle purposes behind the selection of normalization approach is that ABC doesn't have to separate its administration or items from its friends as the organization is as of now offering high evaluated appears on its channel. The advertising blend of the organization is likewise contemplated. A market improvement technique is proposed for ABC since all shows are as of now well known and cherished by the current clients and it can extend its business by tapping the new clients. The organization could receive a few advancement procedures to make new clients mindful of their shows. It has been likewise suggested that ABC ought to embrace authorizing section procedure since it will bring about the expansion of their income. Worldwide business incorporates whole business exchanges, for example, administrative and private deals, transportations, coordinations and speculations that occur between various countries, nations and areas
Saturday, June 20, 2020
Study On Shipping In Oil And Gas Sectors Finance Essay - Free Essay Example
The oil can is mightier than sword Anonymous The statement above rightly describes the value of oil and gas today globally. We were never so much dependent on oil and gas as we are today. If we talk about Indian oil and gas industry then we can trace its beginning when the oil was first struck at Makum near Margherita in Assam in 1867. Since then the industry has come a long way. For nearly fifty years after independence, the oil sector in India has seen the growth of national oil companies in a protected environment. Then a process of change of the sector began in the mid nineties, from a state of complete protection to the open competition. The move was considered necessary in order to attract funds and technology from abroad into the sector. Few important points to be noted here is that the sector in recent years has been characterized by rising consumption of oil products, declining crude production and low reserve. India remains one of the least-explored countries in the world, with a well density among the lowest in the world. The years since independence have however seen the rapid growth of the upstream and downstream oil sectors. There has been efficient use of resources for exploration activities and increasing refining capacity as well as the creation of a vast marketing infrastructure and a pool of h ighly trained and skilled manpower. Indigenous crude production has risen to 35 million tonnes per year, an addition of fourteen refineries, an installed capacity of 69 million tonnes per year and a network of 5000 km of pipelines. With so much development taking place in the oil and gas sector in India and with very little exploration activities our dependence has greatly increased on oil and gas. Today we are having 14 refineries with a total capacity of 184.40 MMTPA and still if we look at the imports for the year 2008-09 then we imported 128.16 MMT of oil and 8.06 MMT LNG. . Following was the situation of domestic crude oil production and consumption in India:- Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy, 2007 The above table indicates the total demand and production situation in the country till 2006 and it is the reason that in order to fulfil this need one important source is required and that is shipping. In this paper we will be focussing on the shipping in oi l and gas sector, international practices in shipping of oil, different types of tankers used, chartering, etc Initially we will have a look at the world oil and gas shipping scene and various terms and methods related to it then move on to Indian scenario. International Domestic Practices in Crude Oil Petroleum Product Shipping In 1954 Shell Oil developed the average freight rate assessment (AFRA) system which classifies tankers of different sizes. To make it an independent instrument, Shell consulted the London Tanker Brokers Panel (LTBP). At first, they divided the groups as General Purpose for tankers under 25,000 tons deadweight (DWT), Medium Range for ships between 25,000 and 45,000 DWT and Large Range for the then-enormous ships that were larger than 45,000 DWT. The ships became larger during the 1970s, which in turn required rescaling of the sizes. The system was developed for tax reasons as the tax authorities wanted evidence that the internal billing records were correct. Before the New York Mercantile Exchange started trading crude oil futures in 1983, it was difficult to determine the exact price of oil which could change with every contract. Shell a nd BP, the first companies to use the system abandoned the AFRA system in 1983, later followed by the US oil companies. However, the system is still used today. Besides that, there is the flexible market scale, which takes typical routes and lots of 500,000 barrels. Merchant oil tankers carry a wide range of hydrocarbon liquids ranging from crude oil to refined petroleum products. Their size is measured in deadweight metric tons (DWT). Crude carriers are among the largest, ranging from 55,000 DWT Panamax-sized vessels to ultra-large crude carriers (ULCCs) of over 440,000 DWT. Supertanker is an informal term used to describe the largest tankers. Today it is applied to very-large crude carriers (VLCC) and ULCCs with capacity over 250,000 DWT. These ships can transport two million barrels of oil. Because of their great size, supertankers often cannot enter port fully loaded. These ships can take on their cargo at off -shore platforms and single-point moorings. On the other end of the journey, they often pump their cargo off to smaller tankers at designated lightering points off-coast. A supertankers routes are generally long, requiring it to stay at sea for extended periods, up to and beyond seventy days at a time. Smaller tankers, ranging from well under 10,000 DWT to 80,000 DWT Panamax vessels, generally carry refined petroleum products, and are known as product tankers. The smallest tankers, with capacities under 10,000 DWT generally work near-coastal and inland waterways. Although they were in the past, ships of the smaller Aframax and Suezmax classes are no longer regarded as supertankers. Chartering The process of hiring a ship to carry cargo is called chartering. There are four types of charter arrangements by which tankers are hired Voyage charter Time charter Bareboat charter Contract of affringement.  In a voyage charter, the charterer rents the vessel from the loading port to the discharge port. In a time charter, the vessel is hired for a set period of time, to perform voyages as the charterer directs. In a bareboat charter, the charterer acts as the ships operator and manager, taking on responsibilities such as providing the crew and maintaining the vessel. Finally, in a contract of affreigement, or COA, the charterer specifies a total volume of cargo to be carried in a specific time period and in specific sizes, for example a COA could be specified as one million barrels of JP-5 in a years time in 25,000 barrel shipments. A completed chartering contract is known as a charter party. One of the important f actors to be considered for any charter party is the freight rate for carriage of cargo. The freight rate of a tanker charter party is specified in one of four ways: 1) By a lump sum rate 2) By rate per ton 3) By a time charter equivalent rate 4) By Worldscale rate In a lump sum rate arrangement there is a fixed price which is negotiated for the delivery of a specified cargo, and the ships owner or operator is responsible to pay for all port costs and other voyage expenses. Rate per ton arrangements are used mostly in chemical tanker chartering, and differ from lump sum rates in that port costs and voyage expenses are generally paid by the charterer. Time charter arrangements specify a daily rate, and port costs and voyage expenses are also generally paid by the charterer. The Worldwide Tanker Normal Freight Scale, often referred to as Worldscale, is established and governed jointly by the Worldscale Associations of Lond on and New York. Worldscale establishes a baseline price for carrying a metric ton of product between any two ports in the world. In Worldscale negotiations, operators and charterers will determine a price based on a percentage of the Worldscale rate. The baseline rate is expressed as WS 100. If a given charter party settled on 85% of the Worldscale rate, it would be expressed as WS 85. Similarly, a charter party set at 125% of the Worldscale rate would be expressed as WS 125. Shipping of Oil Gas in India Shipping requirements; be it import/export or domestic coastal movement are handled by the chartering desk of respective oil company. All the three types of chartering; viz. Time Charter, Spot Charter and COA (Contract of Affreightment) are used to charter ships. The process of enquiry through which ships are chartered is as under: Process for Chartering Ship for crude oil/ product imports Floating of Enquiry Enquiry is floated to all the Indian Ship owners/ Indian Ship brokers registered with the importer. Copies of all enquiries would be sent to DG (Shipping) and Indian National Ship owners Association (INSA), for obtaining mandatory No Objection Certificate (NOC) / Licenses. Enquiries would be floated through e-mail / fax. Receipt of Offers Receipt of offers shall be through either of the following modes: Dedicated email box with password protection. Separate mailboxes shall be provided for receipt of offers against each enquiry. A dedicated fax in a l ocked room would also be available as an alternate mode. Offers received by either of the above modes will be considered. The offers will be printed / collated after the email box is opened at the designated time for receipt of offers specified in the enquiry or on the expiry of the extended time as provided in sub-clause (g) of this clause, as the case may be. Unsolicited / Mid way offers will not be considered. As a standard procedure, bidders will be required to submit hard copy of the offer and other related communications for records. Evaluation of Offers The offers will be ranked on the basis of freight. Demurrage rate and Other Terms and Conditions of the Charter Party (CP) will also be evaluated. Counter Offers / Negotiations The process of Counter Offers / Negotiation is as under: No Indian Ship Owner has quoted: Negotiation will be held with all the technically acceptable bidders indicating their respective ranking. Whereas a Firm Counter w ill be given to lowest (L1) bidder, the counter to all other bidders will be Open (i.e. Open 1, Open 2 etc.). During negotiations, original rankings of the bidders can change depending upon their response to the counter. Indian Ship Owner (s) has also quoted : If offer is received from Indian ship-owner, (Vessels belonging to Indian Ship Owner flying the Indian Flag), the Indian ship-owner will have the first right of refusal vis a vis the lowest offer received from Foreign ship owner, in compliance with government guidelines. Indian Ship Owner is L1 The counter shall be offered firm to the technically acceptable L1 Indian ship-owner. Open counters would be offered to other technically acceptable Indian ship-owners and all technically acceptable foreign ship-owners. The respective rankings of all the bidders shall be disclosed. If negotiations are successful with the foreign ship-owner, Indian ship-owner will be asked to match the rate, failing which the ship will be fixed with the foreign ship-owner. Indian ship-owner is not L1 The counter will be given firm to the technically acceptable L1 Indian ship-owner and open to other technically acceptable Indian and foreign ship-owners. The relative ranking of all ship-owners shall be disclosed. Fixtures on subjects Once negotiations are concluded, the ship fixture will be confirmed on subjects with a time schedule, while the ship fixture is on subjects following activities will be undertaken: Charterers management approval Terminal/Supplier Acceptance To arrange for license from DG (Shipping) in case of foreign ships Obtain record note of negotiations and Fixture Note from the broker / owner for record. Charter Party Agreement Following Charter Party Agreements apply: Voyage Charter Party (VC for Foreign Coastal) ASBATANKVOY with BPCL specific (Rider) Clauses. Time Charter Party (Foreign Voyages) SHELLTIME 4 / 3 (for LPG) Coastal and Time Charter Party. Charte r Party agreements developed by BPC and in use. Procedure for chartering out time charter vessels For Chartering out vessels by the importer, Oil Majors, Trading and Shipping companies and Empanelled Brokers registered with the importer, will be intimated on position list, trading area, cargo grade, laycan etc. Negotiations: Based on the offers received, the importer may carry out negotiation with best offer. On successful completion of the negotiations the vessel shall be given on subjects to the charterer for their approval. Charter Party Terms: Standard ASBATANKVOY Charter Party agreement shall be followed and finalized along with the rider clauses (after negotiations) with charterers. Major players in Indian shipping industry (oil and gas) The Shipping Corporation of India Ltd. The Shipping Corporation of india is the largest Tanker owner in India. They have a well-diversified fleet of crude Tankers of all sizes: MR, LR-I, LR-II, Aframax, Suezmax and VLCC Tankers. The Shipping corporation of India has a Tanker Commercial Department which looks after scheduling and deployment of Tankers for feeding crude to various Indian oil refineries. Lighterage operations on the east and west coasts are also undertaken, to facilitate quick turnaround of Tankers, which otherwise cannot call on ports due to port restrictions/limitations.The department also ensures commercial deployment of in-chartered tonnage, to meet its obligations of lifting cargo under the Contract of Affreightment (COA). Varun Shipping Company Ltd. Varun shipping company has got its charters. Their charterers are comprise both domestic and international companies. Their main domestic charterers include Indian PSUs such as Indian Oil Corporation Limited, Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited, Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited, Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited and private domestic sector conglomerates such as the Reliance Group and Essar Group. Few of the direct international charterers include Exmar Group and KS AS Hektorgas of Bergesen Worldwide Group.   They have got 3 crude oil tankers with dead weight tonne of 106004,107081,106597 respectively and 10 LPG carriers of different DWTs out of which they have two bare boat charter. Essar Group Essar group is also one of the important and big players in Indian oil and gas shipping industry. The company has got LCC and VLCC and is currently serving BPCL, HPCL, IOCL, etc. They have also got their business in core oil and gas sector such as refineries and retail outlets and the shipping segment of their business helps them in the process. Great eastern shipping Co. Ltd. They are Indias largest shipping service providers serving oil giants like Shell, Exxonmobil, etc. They have got a total fleet of 32 ships which include both oil and gas (LPG) tankers with 2.09 and0.02 MN DWT respectively. There are also other big players and many are government owned such as Vishakapatnam Port Trust, Kolkata Port Trust, etc and among private players there are Apeejay shipping Ltd., Five star marine services etc. Oil and gas industry would never have been so big and huge if there wouldnt have been such means of transportations available because in India that is the only means of transportation of oil from outside. Though we can explore the possibilities of inter country pipeline transportation but we still have to cover quite a distance in this case. We are progressively building much bigger and mightier crude oil vessels now time will only tell how far we can go in this field.
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